2014年8月31日 星期日

安康晚年 不想變老 調理脾胃

脾胃功能不正常,則易出現面色萎黃、 黃褐斑、脫髮、白髮、食欲不振、飽飽滯滯、口苦、口臭、疲乏、肢體浮腫、腹脹、腹瀉、便秘、濕疹等;氣血生化不足,則頭暈、 心慌、失眠、健忘等。

2014年8月27日 星期三




        今次檳城之旅我們住在喬治市的E&O酒店,放下行李後便跟當地識途老友到「SriWeld熟食中心」食午飯,熟食中心在Royale Bintang 酒店旁邊,前面是金融街Beach Street,匯豐銀行就在街頭,熟食中心內有很多小攤檔,賣的都是地道小吃,我們坐在中央賣飲品的地方旁邊,長長的黑板上列出各款飲品的價錢,很多都是三至四港元一杯,好像謙謙飲的薏米檸檬凍飲,每杯1.6馬幣(一馬幣約值2.5港元),白咖啡兩個馬幣,加冰則要多付三角,拉茶1.4馬幣,熟食中心的格局及運作模式跟新加坡的一樣,食客自己到食檔點菜付鈔後,檔主便會把食物送上,絕不會弄錯。


「New World Park」的白咖喱麵及蝦麵
「New World Park」的白咖喱麵及蝦麵

        喬治市另一個搵食的好地方是「NewWorld Park Food Court」,據說是大馬富商郭鶴年的物業,樓底甚高,乾淨企理,沒有冷氣也不覺得熱。開業八年,最吸引是在中央的水果甜品檔,擺滿彩色繽紛的水果,好像大樹菠蘿、木瓜、芒果、火龍果、山竹和西瓜,鮮果汁即叫即榨,甜品有太座最愛的紅豆冰和煎蕊,「煎蕊」綠色的粉條是用粘米粉和香蘭葉的汁特製而成,加些刨冰、紅豆、糖漿和鮮椰漿,口感煙韌,香甜味美,兩個馬幣一大碗,是很好的消暑甜品。在炎炎夏日食「紅豆冰」感覺美妙,除了大量刨冰,也有大大粒的紅豆、玉米、豆寇條、涼粉和果凍粒,加上椰漿、花奶和玫瑰糖漿,撈勻來食,甜美非常,太座食得笑逐顏開,有種回到少女時代的感覺!



檳城是覓食的好地方,除了街頭小吃,也有很多食中菜、娘惹菜、海南菜和法國菜的餐廳,在檳城的第二天,中午當地識途老友帶我們到「懷鄉居」食海南菜,餐廳位於喬治布「1926 Heritage Hotel」內,裝修實用簡約,點菜前太座先來杯紅艷迷人的洛神花茶,據說有寧神養氣功效,我則要杯賣8令吉(一令吉約值2.5港元)的貓屎咖啡,比香港便宜得多。








        檳城也有食高檔法國菜的地方,好像我們入住的E&O酒店的「1885」和MaCalisterMoansion(MM)的「Diningroom」便是當地出名的fine dining餐廳,MM前身是間古老大宅,翻新後變成有八個房的精品酒店,「Diningroom」裝修以白色為主,浪漫迷人,試味晚餐有138和188令吉兩款,我們選了較貴的那款,侍應擔保一小時四十五分一定食完,最終食了差不多三個小時,印象較深的菜是香煎帶子和蝦清湯,用老虎蝦熱的湯內有花膠粒和馬蹄粒,煙韌爽甜兩者兼得,主菜有羊扒、油鴨和雞幾款選擇,都是大路貨色,試過便算,還是街頭的厚多士較為吸引!

        檳城食海鮮地方甚多,好像「北海道」、「海洋青」和「中華樂會」(不用入會,有錢埋單便成!),我們在位於Jalan Began Jermal 的「北海道」食了頓海鮮晚飯,老闆楊英武在海鮮酒家工作二十多年後出來創業,「北海道」地方甚大,裝修普通,楊老闆很有創意,除了設計新菜也從外地引入大閘蟹,象拔蚌和龍蝦等食材,我們坐在貴賓廳房,前菜是一片片雪白的椰子肉,蘸山葵豉油來食,鹹甜香辣盡在口中,有種食刺身的感覺。跟着食炸荔枝和珊瑚草,後者是來自沙巴的海草,以柚子汁調味,清新芳香,醒神開胃。


喬治城(George Town),按英國皇帝喬治而命名,是檳城最古老的靜土,當地人的生活彷彿停頓在舊時光裏。
Eastern & Oriental Hotel是英國殖民輝煌時代的老建築,與新加坡的萊佛士(Raffles)、仰光的The Strand齊名。酒店由Sarkies兄弟打造,是極具氣派的一所老酒店。去年酒店只有舊翼,今年來到時,新翼建成了,比舊樓高一倍,可看海岸風光!



2014年8月26日 星期二

情緒食物Mood Food:好早餐VS壞早餐

你是否察覺有時候早上的情緒非常惡劣並易發火?這不是別人惹你生氣或同事搬弄是非,也不是上司批評你,而是你的早餐吃得不恰當。美國人將這種心緒稱為「hangry」,是介於饑餓和惱火(hungry and angry)之間的化合性情緒。

  正確的早餐能幫你的身體釋放出幸福激素,並由此來預防產生壞情緒。你是否知道情緒食物(Mood Food)的奇效?它們能迅速地向身體提供能量並緩解導致你緊張和壓力的因素。儘管食物本身有各種功效,但是最重要的是要善於進行食物搭配,如單吃酸奶不能成為你的身體幸福傳遞者,而最簡單的抵抗壞情緒的營養搭配公式是:蛋白質+碳水化合物。




































一、肝硬化患者:雖然蜂蜜提供的單糖不需肝臟分解合成,可降低肝臟的負擔,但是蜂蜜會加重肝臟的纖維化, 故肝硬化患者卻不宜。



四、未滿一歲的嬰兒:一歲以內嬰幼兒腸胃功能較弱,肝臟解毒功能又差,蜂蜜會有肉毒桿菌孢子(Botulinum Spores),可使嬰兒肌肉癱瘓,故不適合食用蜂蜜。1歲以上的幼兒也要慎重食用。此外,蜂蜜忌與茶、大米、蒜、葱、韭菜、豆腐、鯽魚、螃蟹、李子、萵筍等同食,以免產生對人體有害的物質。

2014年8月23日 星期六

愛忘憂:金峰玉露燕雙飛LOVE at High Altitude

事前做足功夫,大費周章才來到尼泊爾,沒理由就因一時顧慮而臨陣退縮。人一世,草木一秋,不親眼看珠峰,誓不歸。我說要是死的話,死在一起也不錯,If we die, we die together。
花都夢圓 靈光初現
十多二十年前,我和太太是巴黎的常客。我倆喜歡住在第八區 Rue Pasquier 的一家酒店,由那裡徒步到 Rue Royale, Place Vendome, Rue Faubourg St Honore 才五分鐘,陪太太購物,牽手到附近的 Lucas Carton, Carre des Feuillants, Ritz 酒店用餐。回想起來,是段如花似夢,快樂似雲上天堂的日子。
結婚時,在 Place Vendome 的 Van Cleef & Arpels 選了一枚鑲襯珍珠的鑽石指環給她。造形纖巧,帶一抹東方美態, 獨特處是它內圈的編號是001,在將來,到永遠,她都是我獨特的第一。店員說到這兒,我想也不想便買下了。
步出店門,遮陽帳篷下是燦爛歡顏,她笑得開心極了,我想起信用卡公司廣告說的 「此刻無價」,真說到心裏去了。
那時,我倆都愛吃,曾在一天內吃了六顆米芝蓮星,直至晚飯末段,也不無勉力而為之感。有回在六月天,在經常光顧的 Lucas Carton, 太太一口氣點了她最愛的兩道名菜,白菜蒸鴨肝和兔肉鵝肝餡餅。侍應輕輕提醒,兩道菜都有肥肝, 太太斷言沒有問題。
餐後,如常在 Faubourg St Honore 散步,她開始感覺胸口作悶,要找家酒吧稍息。最後,還不免「獲利回吐」,才得自在。她才領悟剛才侍應提點,明白夏日不宜過多肥肝。她說:「食唔落,真係唔好夾硬嚟!」她的靈性之光,大概在那一刻生起。
高山仰止 又喜又驚
太太近年愛看高山, 之前宏願是坐直升機到喜馬拉雅山⋯.腳。到過北非對出,西班牙屬土 Tenerife 島上,海拔三千七百米高的El Teide 火山後,我們決定一步登天,坐飛機去看額菲爾士峰。
當行程準備得八八九九,開始查看觀峰航班時,發現兩個月前才有一架飛機在觀峰後回程時在加德滿都郊區墮落。再看下去,前一年又有一宗墮機事件。尼泊爾的航空安全紀錄, 看來風險與山高等量齊觀。
我一向本著生死有命,富貴由天,但顧慮較多的她知道後, 馬上叫暫停,要待到達當地後,才再聆聽內心的呼喚。
為作補償,我特別加插了一趟往遠足休閒勝地 Pokhara 的預演定驚行程。雖然也要坐飛機,但此航線好像從沒有罹難意外,而且網客說窗外也能瞥見喜馬拉雅山脈,是個「減甜」的觀峰航班。
瞥見不遠處的計程車,明顯比這車新淨。我笑問司機:「就是這輛?」,他亦笑著回答:「正是。」旁邊坐在候車圍欄上的兩個小夥子齊笑說:"Welcome to your beautiful car "。
坐上這輛「鬼馬神仙車」,太太雖然有點抱怨,但大家都打從懷裡笑個不停。反正入住的 Hyatt Regency酒店距離機場不遠,就當是體驗一趟奇幻過山車罷。
蝴蝶穿花 世外桃源
太太的鼻子特別靈敏,丁點兒汚濁氣味也受不了。以往到泰國、越南等地方,她也有不快時刻,只不過有其他的好處補償。這次來尼泊爾,一心是只為了看山,不是古蹟文物。酒店有定時專車往加德滿都市中心,但要到古蹟所在的 Durbar Square 還需要一段行程。甫下車不久,她已說不宜在室外久留。
於是在附近找了一家在旅客文章中見過叫An An 的西藏菜館,要爬幾級樓梯,樓上雅座沒兩桌人客,也頗清雅。尼泊爾菜除了受印度影響,有咖哩食制外,也有甚多西藏菜影子,最盛行吃像餃子的饃饃,當地叫Momo, 饀料可以是羊、雞、雜菜等。
飯後打的回府,酒店擁有一個面積十多公頃的花園,是汚染的加德滿都中的世外桃源。聖誕時節,白天氣溫仍可以達十多二十度,仍有蝴蝶在飛舞。說來,尼泊爾獨特的地理位置,在一百五十公里的南北度內,由海拔六十米陡升到世界最高點,海拔8848 米的額菲爾士峰(中國稱珠穆朗瑪,尼泊爾叫 Sagarmatha),令它成為世界上生物種類最多樣化的國度之一。全世界十五個蝴蝶科中,這裡可以找到十一個, 超過五百多種。
在花園散過步,就已經到了Regency Club Lounge 的下午輕食時段。這兒的葡萄酒理想,小食精緻,沒有煙肉香腸,代之的是堅果、乳酪、放在白色小匙上的小點。這兒應該是我到過 Hyatt 的貴賓樓層中,最舒適、食物飲料最有水準之一。到了五十之年,晚飯其實已不需要吃太多,最好的是她亦有同感, 兩人輕酌美酒,看著夜色逐漸降臨,窗外的白鴿雙飛屋簷下。想到晏幾道的詞,「落花人獨立,微雨燕雙飛」。
金峰玉露 魚尾輕舞
我們提早到機場去乘 Pokhara 的航班,為了拿到右面第一二排的座位,因為是由東往西飛,右方才看到北部的高山。如願已償,起飛未幾,她已望着窗外連綿的白色雪山興奮入迷。
Pohkara 海拔一千多米,遠離城市塵埃,空氣格外清新,是熱門的毅行遠足觀山之地。有一大湖,沿湖盡是食肆酒吧旅館手工藝品衣飾店,雖則如此,但絲毫未染芭提雅式惡俗, 甚至被譽為「最浪漫的蜜月地點」。
我們只停一晚,旅館主人也感奇怪。來此,不為毅行,而是凌晨到Sarangkot 山頭,較近距離看共七個近七千到近八千米的 Annapurna 群峰。除了最近的世界盃,我們從沒有凌晨四時多就起來。四周漆黑,空氣中帶著露水,還要爬五百米的陂。當然,當親眼看到第一道曙光照在最搶鏡,陡峭有如金字塔的 Machhapuchhre (6997 m) 峰頂時,一切辛勞也覺絕對值得。這峰又稱Fishtail,看它外形就明白,雖不是最高,至今仍未有人能征服。金光燦爛的魚尾,她開心得在底下手舞足蹈。真個金「峰」玉露相逢,勝卻人間無數。
If we die, we die together
翌日回程,我說只剩一個問題,to fly or not to fly? 經過可望而不可即的偷歡,我知道誰也想更進一步。她說:「決定不了, 你來定奪。」事前做足功夫,大費周章才來到尼泊爾,沒理由就因一時顧慮而臨陣退縮。人一世,草木一秋,不親眼看珠峰,誓不歸。我說要是死的話,死在一起也不錯,If we die, we die together。當下她說:「馬上訂票,不要讓我改主意」。
替我訂過機票的Malla 叫我們乘Guna 航空,規模是最出名的 Buddha Air 之後。他說飛機是最新買進,且 Buddha 的早航班已滿。我看過資料說最好是在七時或以前出發,太陽昇起,雲層就會阻礙視野。況且,早前失事的正是 Buddha Air 。
飛機離地後,一切已是定局,儘管享受吧。有點意外地,空姐讓乘客輪流進入駕駛室觀光,我坐得較後,剛好是飛機直望珠峰的一刻,機長手指口述,Everest,Everest, Lhotse, Lhotse ( 洛子峰,8516 m) 。我馬上連按快門,攝下人生一刻。
降落後,乘客都獲授証書,証明曾經歷了 Once in a lifetime 的珠峰飛航。我們好好的保存這証書,因為曾經搵命搏,也見證了我們的 「飛」一般感情。
P.S. 謹以此文送給Melanie,在尼泊爾遇到的所有善人及汽車,群峰上神明。
文:簡國慧 圖:Keith Kan、Hyatt Regency Kathmandu


It’s a big world out there—so big that it can be daunting to decide what international destinations to visit in the course of a lifetime. From natural wonders to man-made masterpieces, from wildlife to cityscapes, the choices are seemingly endless. Don’t let indecision get you down, or worse, delay the planning of your next trip. We’ve whittled it down to 20 amazing places to see abroad before you die. Pick one or pick them all—you can’t go wrong.


Where: Brazil
Known as the Cidade Maravilhosa, or the Marvelous City, Rio de Janeiro has more than 20 beaches and many dramatic landmarks, including the much-photographed Christ the Redeemer statue that overlooks the city. The thriving metropolitan area, with its exceptional architecture, museums, galleries, and restaurants, sits on the magnificent Guanabara Bay against a rugged backdrop of forested mountains, making for one of the most stunning settings in the world.
Insider Tip: Rio de Janeiro’s annual Carnivalis world-famous, and it’s not just hype. Imagine 2 million people partying to samba music over five days of debauchery. But regardless of whether you visit during the festival, the spirit of the exuberant Carioca people is evident year-round.


Where: Peru
The Lost City of the Incas is perched on the edge of a mountain high in the Andes, a location so remote that it remained hidden from ravaging conquistadors and untouched by the 20th century until it was “discovered” in 1911. Machu Picchu is a wonder on many levels, from its awe-inspiring natural splendor to its fascinating history. Visitors can do a multi-day trek to reach the site, or ride a bus up a winding road.
Insider Tip: Soaring more than 1,100 feet above Machu Picchu is a sharp mountain known as Wayna Picchu. The challenging one-hour walk up the steep summit—believed to be the former residence of the Incan high priest—affords a rare view of Machu Picchu from on high. Purchase an advance ticket and show up early; only 400 people are permitted on Wayna Picchu each day.


Where: Ecuador
Located 575 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the Galápagos archipelago and its surrounding waters are a national park, a biological marine preserve, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area’s raw beauty and abundance of unique species, like the giant tortoise, make it a nature lover’s dream. Charles Darwin conducted research here in the early 1830s that contributed to his theory of evolution and his groundbreaking book, On the Origin of Species.
Insider Tip: Galápagos travel has traditionally taken place aboard small cruise ships that travel from island to island. In 2007, an outfitter named Red Mangrove built an eco-lodge on the island of Santa Cruz, and pioneered land-based tours. Since then, Red Mangrove has expanded to include the islands of Floreana and Isabela, offering multi-island Galápagos tours and eliminating the need to sleep on a boat.


Where: Chile
There are more sheep than people in the Magallanes Region of Chilean Patagonia—one of many factors that make Torres del Paine National Park so fascinating. Here, the granite spires of the Paine massif tower over emerald green valleys, churning rivers, glassy blue lakes, glaciers, and icebergs. Adding to the mystique, this dreamscape is one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, with winds that can knock a grown man to the ground. Visit in January or February; the weather is too extreme any other time.
Insider Tip: While there are many trails in the park appropriate for day hikes, Torres del Paine was designed for multi-day circuit treks, with refugios—European-style cabins offering a bed, meals, and a hot shower—dotting the trails. The three-day 'W' route is one of the most spectacular hikes in the world.


Where: Iceland
There’s simply no place else on earth likeIceland. From waterfalls to active volcanoes, from glaciers to hot springs, the Land of Fire and Ice is a study in extremes. The country is such a visual spectacle that it’s hard to decide where to begin. Fortunately, Iceland also knows how to cater to tourists. Base yourself out of Reykjavik, the quirky capital city, where a host of reputable outfitters like Arctic Adventures offer excursions ranging from scenic horseback rides to extreme ice climbing, and everything in between.
Insider Tip: Iceland straddles the spot where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates converge. About an hour outside of Reykjavik lies Silfra, a glacier-fed fissure between the plates with a water temperature that hovers just above freezing. Intrepid travelers can don a dry suit and snorkel and swim across it. The water is believed to be among the clearest on the planet, with 50 meters of visibility.


Where: France
The Eiffel TowerCathedral of Notre Dame,LouvreChamps-Elysees, and Arc de TriompheParis is like a living museum of architecture and history. Add in the world-class dining, gallery-hopping, and shopping, not to mention the je ne sais quoi of the Parisian personality, and the City of Lights is a simply mesmerizing cultural experience.
Insider Tip: Don’t even think about driving in Paris. The rapid transit system—the Métropolitain or Métro—is one of the densest on the planet with more than 300 stations. Plus, riding the Métro is an authentic Parisian experience, as much as visiting the city’s famous sites.


Where: Italy
Cities don’t get more epic than Rome. The Eternal City, founded in 753 B.C., is one of the oldest occupied cities in Europe and widely regarded as the birthplace of Western civilization. This is the center of Renaissance art and religious opulence. Sites like theVatican’s Sistine Chapel and the Colosseumare among the most visited tourist attractions on Earth. For most people it’s not a question of whether or not to visit Rome, but rather, when. The answer: as soon as you can.
Insider Tip: There will always be tourists in Rome. And as Italy’s capital and largest city, it’s never tranquil. Surprisingly, the crowds don’t deter from the spine-shivering wonder of the city’s magnificent sites. In fact, they seem to enhance it. Viva Roma!


Where: Morocco
Perhaps the most exotic city on the planet,Marrakesh began as a trading post along the ancient caravan routes from Timbuktu. It remains a shopping mecca, and the city’s main square, Djemâa el Fna, is regarded as the busiest in Africa. The intoxicating experience of turbaned arts and craft sellers at every turn, careening donkey carts, and smiling snake charmers is unforgettable.
Insider Tip: At Medina, Marrakesh’s charmingly narrowed-alley commercial center (and UNESCO World Heritage Site), vendors jack up prices for tourists by as much as two-thirds. A little good-natured haggling will go a long way.


Where: Tanzania
There are few wildlife experiences as awe-inspiring as the Great Migration, when 1.5 million wildebeests, accompanied by 400,000 gazelles and 200,000 zebra, move throughout the Serengeti ecosystem. There is no better time to go on a safari in Serengeti National Park, which also has the highest concentration of large mammals on the planet, particularly lions.
Insider Tip: The migration pattern isn’t complicated, the wildebeests move from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short rains in October and November, and then back north (and a bit west) after the long rains in April, May, and June. Still, it’s best to work with a safari outfitter who can ensure you don’t miss a thing, and will get you glimpses of the Big Five (lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros).


Where: Zambia/Zimbabwe
Victoria Falls, or Mosi-oa-Tunya, its indigenous name meaning “smoke that thunders,” is neither the tallest nor the widest waterfall on the planet. But its combined height and width make it the largest—an enormous sheet of falling water twice the height of Niagara Falls. The falls can be viewed from either the Zambian or the Zimbabwean side, with the Zimbabwean regarded as the more picturesque.
Insider Tip: The Victoria Falls Bridge connecting Zambia and Zimbabwe offers daredevils a thrill. Sign up with Victoria Falls Bungee to zip line across it, bungee jump from it, or leap off it attached to a rope that swings out over the Zambezi River.


Where: Egypt
A large suburb of Cairo, Giza is the location of the Giza Plateau, better known as the home of the Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx—the most famous archeological sites in the world. The Great Pyramid, one of three main pyramids located at Giza, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World—the only one that has survived to present day. It was built in the 4th Dynasty (circa 2550 B.C.) and was the tallest building on earth until the Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889.
Insider Tip: In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, Egypt isn’t the place for DIY travel. For the most comfortable experience, plan to visit as part of a tour group. Giza is typically done as part of a CairoLuxorAswan trip along the Nile River, which makes for spectacular sightseeing and hits the best of the ancient pyramids, temples, and tombs.


Where: Israel
One of the oldest cities in the world,Jerusalem is also perhaps the most divine—literally. The three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—consider it holy. On the east end of town, the Old City is the religious and historic highlight. This walled area of cobblestone alleys is smaller than half a square mile, but packed with major sites like the Western WallTemple Mount, and theChurch of the Holy Sepulcher, as well as boutiques and markets representing the four quarters: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Armenian.
Insider Tip: Jerusalem has a thriving art and culture scene, most notably the Israel Museum, a 20-acre complex of exhibits and collections featuring Judaica, Israeli, and European art, plus archaeological findings. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the mid-20th century in caves near the Dead Sea, are housed here.


Where: Jordan
Jordan’s most popular tourist attraction, Petrameans “rock” in Greek. Built in the first century B.C., the city appears to spring from the very cliffs that surround it, a marvel of rock-cut architecture and mystery. The ancient city did not even appear on Western maps until it was re-discovered in 1812 by a Swiss traveler. Today, tourists are free to stroll Petra’s boulevards and explore its mesmerizing tombs and archeological sites.
Insider Tip: The Jordanian Department of Antiquities restored an ancient flight of stairs cut into the rock that leads to the top of Jabal Madhbah, the “mount of the altar.” Besides the interesting remains at the summit (a Roman dining room and sacrificial alter), the site affords incredible views of Petra below.


Where: Turkey
It’s hard to top Istanbul for history, culture, and lore. The city formerly known as Constantinople is located along the Silk Roadand straddles two continents. It has hosted many great civilizations, serving as the capital of four empires: Roman (330–395), Byzantine (395–1204 and 1261–1453), Latin (1204–1261), and Ottoman (1453–1922). Today it’s a thriving cosmopolitan metropolis that juxtaposes old and new.
Insider Tip: With more than 14 million residents and an area that spans both Europe and Asia for over 2,000 square miles, Istanbul is huge. You could spend a lifetime exploring the city and still only scratch the surface. Don’t miss Hagia Sophia: Once a church, then a mosque, and now a museum, this great architectural beauty is timeless, and a metaphor for the city itself.


Where: India
The awe-inspiring Taj Mahal is the world’s most famous monument in honor of love. The white marble mausoleum was built sometime in the mid-1600s by emperor Shah Jahan in remembrance of his wife Mumtaz, a Persian princess. Located just south of the city ofAgra, the Taj Mahal remains one of the world’s finest examples of Mughal style—an elegant combination of Persian, Islamic, and Indian architecture. The interior is even more beautiful than the exterior, if that’s possible.
Insider Tip: The Taj Mahal is often mistaken as the domed building seen in photos. In reality, there’s an entire complex beyond the main domed building (which served as the tomb), with expansive gardens, a mosque, and several more mausoleums and buildings made of red sandstone.


The summit of Mt. Everest is an icon for adventure. But you don’t need to conquer the 29,000-foot peak to experience the exhilaration, challenge, and culture of life in the high Himalayas. Everest Base Camp is located in the world’s highest national park, Qomolangma National Nature Preserve, and is open to tourists as well as to mountaineers.
Insider Tip: There are technically two base camps on Everest. North Base Camp sits on the Tibet side at 16,900 feet, and South Base Camp on the Nepal side at 17,598 feet. Outfitters lead visitors there by shuttle from the Tibet side, or by multi-day trek from the Nepal side. Bike Tours Direct offers a 17-day cycling journey from the Tibetan capital ofLhasa.


Where: Bhutan
The isolated Kingdom of Bhutan transitioned to a constitutional monarchy in 2008, and quickly became more open and welcoming to travelers. The capital city of Thimphu will become a major pilgrimage center and a focal point for Buddhists all over the world when construction of the Buddha Dordenma, an enormous bronze Buddha statue overlooking the city, is complete. Bhutan makes our list not only for its untouched natural beauty, but also for a unique culture that measures progress in terms of Gross Domestic Happiness.
Insider Tip: Mountain biking in Bhutan is some of the best in the world. Both the 34-year-old king and his father (the former king and creator of Gross National Happiness) are said to be avid mountain bikers. And the sport is not only for the hard core. Bhutan has seemingly endless miles of easy trails through lush valleys, along rivers, up and over rolling hills, and connecting rural villages.


Where: China
One of the most iconic man-made structures on Earth, the Great Wall of China is not one continuous wall, but rather a series of shorter walls. In their entirety, the walls span more than 5,500 miles and eight provinces along the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. Originally built to keep out nomads and invaders, the Great Wall winds along the crests of hills, providing a stunning vantage point of the rugged landscape.
Insider Tip: The most memorable experiences at the Great Wall are hikes along the top. The Jinshanling Great Wall, located 2.5 hours from Beijing, is lauded as the best-preserved section, and is a photographer’s dream. The six-mile stretch has five passes, 67 watchtowers, and two beacon towers.


Where: Australia
Located in the Coral Sea off the coast ofQueensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reefis more than 1,400 miles long and the largest coral reef system on the planet. Dubbed the Blue Outback, the reef is a protected marine park and World Heritage Site comprised of 900 islands and 3,000 individual reefs. The marine life statistics are dizzying. To mention a few: 5,000 species of mollusk (including the giant clam); 1,500 fish species; 400 coral species, 215 bird species; 125 species of shark, stingray, skates, and chimaera; 30 species of dolphins, whales, and porpoises.
Insider Tip: You don’t have to be a scuba diver for an unforgettable experience. Snorkeling provides dazzling underwater sightseeing and plenty of exposure to marine life. Whether you’re looking to go deep, or skim the surface, there are close to 1,000 outfitters permitted to work in the Great Barrier Reef.


Where: Antarctica
The most remote place on the planet, Antarctica is located almost entirely within in the Antarctic Circle. There are no human residents here, thanks to a hostile climate of cold and wind. (The lowest recorded temperature is -129 °F.) But the absence of people means a pristine wilderness like none other, with colossal icebergs, giant whales, and tens of thousands of penguins.
Insider Tip: Antarctic cruises can be frustrating: You’re in the most remote spot on earth, and yet constantly surrounded by 80–150 other people. It’s worth the extra cost for an outfitter offering small-group voyages, like polar experts Natural Habitat Adventures, who take as few as eight travelers and also have a special permit for camping ashore far from research stations.