2014年1月26日 星期日

印度古堡 固若金湯

Lonely Planet選為2013年旅遊熱點的海得拉巴(Hyderabad),是印度有名的IT科技城,也保留了16世紀的古老城堡Golconda Fort(又名Golkonda)。新與舊各據一方,為這繁華城市展示了古老與現代的智慧。

嚴格來說,海得拉巴在1590年前,並不存在。那時候,政治和權力中心位於Golconda Fort。不過由於缺水,統治皇朝Qutub Shahi(亦稱Qutb Shahi)在16世紀末決定遷都,選中了位在Musi河的海得拉巴。

Qutub Shahi的陵墓,建築巨型,風格精雕細琢,不說明,我們可能猜不出是陵墓。
Golconda Fort倒是一直保留下來,來到今天甚至成為海得拉巴的重要景點。當年它被放棄了,數百年後換了身分,依然分量十足。Golconda Fort的歷史可追溯至1213世紀,本來只以泥土建造,來到16世紀初,落入Qutub Shahi皇朝手裏,他們把城堡擴建加固,成了如今的模樣。

我們來到城堡前,看到它依山而建,佔盡地理之優,易於防守,被選為政權中心,很理所當然。地理佔優外,Golconda Fort更以堅固聞名,在17世紀蒙兀兒大軍殺到,最後一任Qutub Shahi皇帝堅守了八個月,最終因內奸出賣,才被攻破。

為什麼能力抗外敵?城堡的設計肯定功不可沒,它以花崗岩建造,本來就堅固,加上城堡高達120米,居高臨下佔了地利,四周更建有長約11公里的壁壘。我們從東門進入,那Bala Hissar城門已經非比尋常。「城門裝有巨大的鐵門,還嵌有鐵釘,以抵擋大象的攻擊;即使大象攻入,城門內的小巷窄小多彎,大象也就卡在中間,動彈不得。」導遊解釋。

古代警報 聽到1公里外拍手



Golconda Fort的城牆保留得相當完整,但宮殿大多損,要看裝飾雕刻,離Golconda Fort1.5公里的Qutub Shahi皇朝墓園,大概可窺見一斑。印度最有名的墓園,肯定是泰姬陵,但Qutub Shahi Tombs其實也相當壯觀,這個專為Qutub Shahi皇族(1518-1687)建立的墓園,共有27個墓,佈局有如花園,樹影婆娑。皇帝的陵墓通常兩層高,其餘皇家成員的則為一層,建築雄偉巨型,有如建築物,風格混雜了波斯、印度教。



Golconda Fort

地址:Golconda, Hyderabad 500008


Qutub Shahi Tombs門票:10盧比(約1.5港元)



在旅遊名勝上,Golconda稱不上十分有名,但在鑽石界卻是鼎鼎大名,因為許多世界知名的鑽石都產於Golconda,其中包括英女王擁有、重達106卡的Koh-i-Noor鑽石;法國瑪麗皇后曾擁有的希望之星(Hope Diamond),重45.52克拉,是現時所知最大的藍鑽石,一般亦相信來自於Golconda。而去年11月,在日內瓦佳士得拍賣會上,同是Golconda出品的「約瑟夫大公爵」(Archduke Joseph diamond),重逾76卡,更以約1.7億港元賣出,為Golconda鑽石及無色級鑽石,創下每卡售價的新高。



Biryani是海得拉巴的代表菜,以多種香料如豆蔻、肉桂、番紅花等煮成的炒飯,可配搭各種肉食,如雞、牛、羊等等。Biryani呈黃色,乾身,飯粒分明,味道相當可口。供應Biryani的餐廳,則以Paradise Food Court最有名,許多遊人都會慕名而來。

Paradise Food Court

地址:NTR Gardens, IMAX Road, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 50000





醉遊酒都愛丁堡 品味「生命之水」威士忌

蘇格蘭的「國菜」羊肚雜碎布甸Haggis,對外國人來說可說是小眾口味;不過代表級飲品威士忌,就風行全球。威士忌(whisky)來自蓋爾語(Gaelic)的uisge beatha,意即「生命之水」。蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡巿區,就有許多地方讓你認識這種當地人引以為傲的酒品,甚至邊嘗美食邊喝專人配對的威士忌,見識whisky pairing


跟倫敦一樣,愛丁堡也有許多歷史悠久的酒吧,能喝到多款蘇格蘭威士忌。遠離遊客區、在King's Theatre旁的Bennets Bar,就是其中一顆hidden gem——這間有107年歷史的酒吧,提供逾150種蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌(single malt,即不經混合,由同一家蒸餾廠釀製的麥芽威士忌),以及30多種混合及來至世界各地的威士忌,一杯約3英鎊(約36港元)起。假如你像記者一樣認識不深的話,可以來參加whisky tasting,或者問問非常友善兼熟悉威士忌的職員Lynne
有百多年歷史的Bennets Bar與一般pub不同之處,在於它古典美麗的裝潢,以及它提供的逾180種威士忌。
以威士忌製造的甜酒Drambuie加威士忌炮製的Rusty Nail(4.95英鎊,約59港元),香甜易喝。

Bennets Bar
地址﹕8 Leven Street, Tollcross, Edinburgh EH3 9LG
電話﹕+44 (0)131 229 5143



愛丁堡另一個寶藏,是蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌協會。協會在1983年由一班威士忌愛好者成立,多年來一直到訪蘇格蘭126家蒸餾廠,尋找單桶原酒(single cask),蒐羅在單一酒桶熟成、不經其他木桶原酒調和的威士忌,味道獨一無二,數量也非常少。

The Dining Room at 28 Queen Street
地址﹕28 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JX
電話﹕+44 (0)131 220 2044


The Scotch Malt Whisky Societywww.smws.co.uk


到愛丁堡城堡的遊客,必經The Scotch Whisky Experience主題館,不少都會順道內進,來一次威士忌導賞——基本行程先是坐一輛介紹威士忌製作過程的機動車,然後到試酒室看影帶,認識蘇格蘭不同的威士忌產區及其產品特色,並自選一個產區的單一麥芽威士忌品嘗;最後到一間放了逾3000瓶威士忌的房間參觀。這全球最多的威士忌收藏,來自一名巴西收藏家,花了逾40年時間由世界各地蒐集,是全館最大的亮點。
The Scotch Whisky Experience全館最大亮點,在於全球最大、有3000多瓶的威士忌珍藏。
The Scotch Whisky Experience
地址﹕354 Castlehill, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2NE
電話﹕+44 (0)131 220 0441


出沒注意﹕衝上雲霄看live show

向來創意多多的維珍航空,剛在上個月宣布名為Little Red Live的新「搞作」,每月在其由倫敦往愛丁堡或曼徹斯特的Little Red內陸航班上,提供現場音樂或喜劇表演——第一次表演便在往愛丁堡的航班上舉行,請來有份在今年愛丁堡藝穗節演出的藝人,表演10分鐘喜劇。Little Red Live的詳情於其社交網頁公布,但就不會列明日期和航班資料,讓乘客有個驚喜。


2014年1月12日 星期日

15 Plant-Based Foods To Fight Hypertension

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the pressure of blood in the arteries is consistently elevated. A slew of new studies on foods and hypertension suggest it may be easier than you thought to reduce high blood pressure. Skip the pharmaceuticals and eat more of these foods for an easy (and delicious) way to help lower your blood pressure numbers. Plant-based diets and diets high in fruits and vegetables are strongly associated with lower blood pressure, so much so that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) officially recommends adopting healthy eating practices as one of the primary actions to take to prevent or lower high blood pressure and hypertension. Prevention is the best cure! DASH, which stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension,” is the eating plan recommended by the NIH (National Institute of Health).
For adults under 65, it’s that first number in your blood pressure reading that may be the best indicator of future heart problems or even premature death. A normal reading is around 120/80. If that first number is 140 or higher, you have reason for concern. For those 65 and older, however, it’s a trickier situation. Readings may vary more and doctors need to be careful in prescribing blood pressure medication for older patients.
The risk of developing hypertension naturally increases for everyone as they age, so use prevention as your cure by exercising regularly, and avoiding excessive salt, alcohol and tobacco. Using food as your medicine is one safe, effective way to decrease blood pressure for all age groups as they work naturally to dilate blood vessels so the heart doesn’t have to work so hard.
Give your heart a break by eating these 15  healthy and medicinal foods.
1. Berries
2. Whole Grain Cereal
3. Potatoes
4. Beets
5. Cacao
6. Celery
7. Broccoli
8. Dandelion
9. Black Beans
10. Garlic
11. Ground Flax Seeds
12. Bananas
13. Apricots
14. Pumpkin Seeds
15. Cashew Nuts
1. Berries
Calorie for calorie, berries are among the most nutritional foods on the planet when it comes to fiber and antioxidant capacity. All berries are great for you, but blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries top the list for their ability to help lower blood pressure, thanks to high doses of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and other plant compounds called anthocyanins that protect against hypertension.
2. Whole Grain Breakfast Cereal
Whole-grain, high-fiber cereals like oatmeal, oat squares, bran flakes or shredded wheat, can reduce your chance of developing high blood pressure. The fiber and magnesium found in oats both have beneficial effects on blood pressure. In addition, oats slow atherosclerosis, the plaque buildup that occurs in blood vessels. Plus, the more servings of cereal you eat a week, the greater the benefits. Loose oats also make an excellent thickener for soups and stews.
3. Potatoes
A baked potato is high in potassium and magnesium, two important minerals that can help fight high blood pressure. Research shows that if Americans boosted their potassium intake, adult cases of high blood pressure could fall by more than 10 percent. As for magnesium, many older Americans fail to get enough in their diet, according to the National Institutes of Health. Some other foods high in both these minerals are spinach, bananas, soybeans, and kidney beans. Magnesium also helps lower stress and improve overall immunity.
4. Beets
Drinking a glass of beet juice can lower blood pressure within just a few hours. The nitrate in the juice has the same effect as taking a nitrate tablet, the researchers found. Beet juice can be found at some health food stores and specialty groceries such as Whole Foods. Other nitrate-rich foods include spinach, lettuce, cabbage and carrots.
5. Cacao
Chocolate lovers rejoice! Eating a one-ounce square of dark chocolate daily can help lower blood pressure, especially in people who already have hypertension, according to Harvard researchers who analyzed 24 chocolate studies. Dark chocolate is high in flavonoids, natural compounds that cause dilation of the blood vessels. Look for chocolates that say they contain 50 to 70 percent cacao, or make your own superfood chocolate at home. I’ll be posting that recipe soon!
6. Celery
Celery contains phytochemicals known as phthalides, which relax the muscle tissue in the artery walls, enabling increased blood flow and, in turn, lowering blood pressure.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli is a potent package of fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, all nutrients that help lower blood pressure. One cup of steamed broccoli provides more than 200 percent of the vitamin C you need each day. Broccoli also contains chromium, which helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. These nutrients, found naturally in most plants, help boost immunity and fight off diseases. Other vegetables with similar compounds include carrots and leafy greens like kale and spinach.
8. Dandelion
For more than a century, dandelion has been used as a cure-all for countless conditions and ailments in cultures around the world, particularly in its native Asia and Europe. The entire plant is edible, from leaves to roots. And in addition to lowering blood pressure, it’s good for the liver, eyes, and skin.
A natural diuretic, dandelion helps reduce blood pressure by releasing excess sodium without the loss of potassium (as occurs with some over-the-counter diuretics). This is doubly important because excess sodium raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, while potassium helps regulate it. Dandelion is also loaded with magnesium, which dissolves blood clots and stimulates the production of nitric oxide, helping to relax and dilate blood vessels for better blood flow.
9.Black Beans
Legumes boast a high fiber-to-protein ratio that you won’t find in any other type of food. This combination works wonders for regulating blood sugar and lowering blood cholesterol levels, both of which are related to maintaining normal blood pressure. Black beans are a nutrient-dense source of fiber and magnesium, which are essential for healthy blood pressure levels. What puts them at a distinct advantage over other foods, though, is the folate you’ll find in these legumes. Folate, also known as folic acid in its synthetic form, is a B-complex vitamin that appears to lower blood pressure (especially systolic blood pressure) by relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. Another excellent source of folate is spinach.
10. Garlic
Garlic is a good food to help fight hypertension because it acts as a blood thinner. When chopped, it also produces allicin, a compound that has antibacterial and antifungal properties. This can help fight many diseases that may result from hypertension, such as stroke and heart disease. Garlic also helps lower cholesterol.
11. Ground Flax Seeds
Flax Seeds help lower cholesterol and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation and infections.
12. Bananas
Not only are they delicious, bananas also help reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. Eating bananas is suggested because they have the highest rate of potassium to sodium.
13. Apricots
Apricots are a power food when it comes to fighting hypertension , especially when they’ re dried. They contain a soluble fiber that helps promote digestion and fights bloating and constipation.
14. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds can help reverse hypertension because they contain a high zinc value. Inadequate zinc can make your arteries lose elasticity, resulting in inflammation. For best results soak and then sprout your raw seeds (also known as pepitas). You can then add tamari or sea salt and dehydrate them for a delicious heart healthy snack.
15. Cashew Nuts
Nuts are a great source of nutrients like iron, potassium and fiber. Cashew nuts, specifically, contain magnesium and copper — two essential nutrients that help boost your immunity. Magnesium relaxes your nerves and muscles, while copper helps with the development of connective tissue. Walnuts are another great choice to help lower blood pressure.

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss

Shedding is never fun, just ask my vacuum cleaner. It’s even less fun when you realize the golf ball size bits of hair you’re tugging out of the roller came from your own head. Oh, the horror! As we get older (yes ladies, this is for you too) our once glorious crown of healthy hair can become brittle or even worse, be genetically predisposed to jump ship, leaving our poor, bald heads to fend for themselves.
Below are a few secrets from Mother Nature, some preventative, and some for after the mutiny has begun.
You are what you eat – and that’s true for your hair as well. A diet containing mostly whole foods, especially the skin of plants such as cucumbers, potatoes, peppers, and even bean sprouts are rich in the mineral silica and contribute to hair strength. Foods like lean meats are high in iron and are essential to the protein-based, building blocks of hair growth.
Ginkgo Biloba - this well-known herb is believed to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the scalp area promotes hair regrowth by delivering nutrients to the hair follicles.
Green Tea – it has been shown that natural chemicals (catechins) present in green tea inhibit the Type I 5-alpha-reductase enzyme which converts testosterone into the hair-murdering DHT.  And that, in some expert opinions, could block the chain of hormonal activity initiating hair loss.
Stinging Nettle – Grandma’s secret gets a new life as modern herbalists believe drinking tea made from this plant will reduce hair loss. Much in the way the chemicals in green tea prevent testosterone from turning into DHT, stinging nettle is also said to fight that process and keep hair thick and healthy.
Red Pepper – used throughout the ages, this common skin irritant works to attract blood and nutrients to the scalp and also promotes the release of histamines that stimulate cell division and hair growth.
Onion - A study published in the Journal of Dermatology examined the results when onion juice was used in people with alopecia areata. Twenty-three people applied onion juice directly to the scalp twice daily for two months. Participants began to experience hair growth after just two weeks of treatment. At four weeks, hair regrowth was seen in 17 people and at six weeks, hair growth was apparent in 20 people.

5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked

You’d be forgiven if you thought that raw is always healthier than cooked. For many fruits and vegetables that’s certainly the case, but it’s not always the case. Cooking some vegetables actually breaks down their tough cellular structure and makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients. Of course, by cooking we mean cooking them the right way. Cooked kale may be healthier than raw kale, but deep-fried kale isn’t better than a raw kale salad. And, sure, if you love your raw kale salad and you can’t stand steamed kale, by all means, keep eating those salads. In the end, though, the best thing you can do is rid yourself of the idea that raw is always healthier than cooked.
Read on to discover some of the vegetables that are healthier cooked.
 1. Spinach.
Cooking spinach boosts your body’s ability to absorb all of the fantastic nutrients this leafy green is loaded with, like calcium, iron, magnesium, lutein and antioxidants like beta-carotene. The amount of calcium, for example, actually triples when you cook spinach.
 2. Kale.
Raw kale is harder on your digestive system than the cooked stuff. But it’s also less nutritious; cooking kale increases its levels of vitamins A, and K, as well as  fiber.
3. Mushrooms.
Cooking mushrooms isn’t just the healthier option, it’s also the safer option. There are several types of mushrooms that are only safe to eat cooked, and even the ones more commonly served raw, like button mushrooms, are hard on your digestion. Mushrooms have very tough cellular structures, so cooking really does wonders on drawing out their nutrients, making them more digestible, and killing any toxins they may contain.
 4. Tomatoes.
Cooking tomatoes boosts the amount of  lycopene that is released into the body. Raw tomatoes, on the other hand, only release about 4% of this antioxidant that has been linked to lower rates of heart disease and cancer.
5. Carrots.
Carrots might not help you see in the dark, but they will help improve your vision thanks to high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that youe body converts into vitamin A. Raw carrots — and the beta-carotene they contain — are somewhat difficult for our bodies to digest. But cooking breaks down the tough veggie and, in turn, boosts their nutritional value.

2014年1月11日 星期六







在人體中,雌激素的接受體有兩種,包括甲型(ER-Alpha)和乙型(ER-Beta)。以「乳腺」的發育來說,如果乳腺細胞欠缺ER-Alpha,乳腺不會發育(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 103, pp. 2196-2201);但若缺乏的只是ER-Beta,乳腺能正常發育生長,以及製造乳汁(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 95, pp. 15677-15682)。另一方面,若ER-Alpha的數量暴升,乳腺可會失控地增生,這可以導致乳癌(Cancer Res., Vol. 65, pp. 681-685;Am. J. Pathol., Vol. 163, pp. 1713-1719)。在這環節中,ER-Beta能抑制ER-Alpha的增生作用(Chem. Res. Toxicol., 2013年5月29日電子版)。


不過,Femara有不良副作用:它可以引致禿髮(Ann. Oncol., Vol. 14, pp. 1689-1690)。當Femara抑制了芬香酶,它會啟動一個叫「五甲還原酶」(5-Alpha Reductase)的酵素,把(份量不停地高漲的)雄激素,轉為另一個叫「二氫雄激素」(Di-hydro-Testosterone)的荷爾蒙,後者可以令毛囊凋亡,而導致脫髮。

在這方面,也有補健食品能幫助調養身體,此物叫「黑升麻」(Black Cohosh)。在機制操作方面,黑升麻能藉着抑制一個叫「硫酸酯酶」(Sulfatase)的酵素,將雌激素的作用減低。本來,若有雌激素刺激一個正常的乳腺細胞(不良地)增生,這個乳腺細胞會用一個「磺基轉移酶」(Sulfotransferase),將一個硫酸分子貼在這雌激素上,從而把它廢掉。可是,一旦乳腺細胞已癌變,癌細胞會出動另一個叫「硫酸酯酶」的撒手鐧,除掉上述這個(雌激素上的)硫酸分子。黑升麻能抑制「硫酸酯酶」,從而協助廢掉雌激素,將乳腺細胞的(不良)增生叫停。

順便不妨一提:有幾種食品可以增加乳癌的風險。動物雌激素,例如雪蛤膏、海膽、魚子等,能刺激ER-Alpha。紅酒內的「白皮杉醇」(Piceatannol),乃是雌激素的增效劑(Agonist),請不要多喝(J. Mol. Endocrinol., Vol. 35, pp. 269-281)。


2014年1月5日 星期日



1.  老火湯有甚麼功效?

  答: 老火湯好處主要有四點:第一,在冬天,由於天氣寒冷與乾燥,可借助喝湯,達到益氣補血,潤燥補虛的效果;第二,在夏天嶺南氣候濕熱,喝湯是補水的好方法;第三,老火湯裏含有較多的礦物質,包括鈉鹽,喝湯對補充礦物質和因出汗而多丟失的鹽分有好處;第四,當胃口變差,在煲湯的過程中,一些氨基酸和核苷酸會溶於水,這些是「呈味物質」,就會表現為鮮甜的味道,對於提高食欲有積極的作用。

  再者,從口腔咽喉、食道到胃,是一條食物必經之路,飯前喝幾口湯,可使其潤滑,以助食物下行。 有研究表明,堅持有目的地烹製各種蔬菜湯、魚湯、骨湯等在餐前喝,可減少食道炎、胃炎的發生,還可收到減肥等效果。

2.  可否每天都飲湯?

  答: 過去生活條件不太好的時候,老火湯最多也只是週末閤家團聚時候煲一大煲,已算是了不得的奢侈和豐盛的餐宴了。現在生活水平高,可以隨時喝服湯水,但要注意湯水內的配伍,否則以為補身,其實傷身。因為有些人較缺乏活動和陽光照射,一天到晚面對電腦,在這樣的情況下再天天喝老火湯,甚至一家人不辨體質就喝一鍋藥膳湯,無疑會導致問題叢生。

3.  老火湯是否煲煮時間愈長愈好?

  答: 煲湯的時間過長,肉渣裏的蛋白質過度變性(變韌)導致口感差,常被丟棄而造成資源的浪費。建議煲湯的時間在2-3個小時之間,肉質的口感很好,湯的味道也很鮮甜,蛋白質沒有過度變性。


4.  隔夜飲又如何?

  答: 我個人習慣就不愛將湯留隔夜,寧可日日新鮮。至於忙碌的都市人將喝不完的湯放入冰箱,第二天煮沸了再喝也未嘗不可。




5.  煲老火湯通常會放入雞、豬骨、或者瘦肉,怎樣可以減少油膩感?

  答: 雞去皮,肉料汆水可去油,以減低肥膩。煲好湯後,把浮在湯面的油去除,如用隔油壺。

  保鮮膜去油法: 將湯盛大碗中,冚保鮮紙後放雪櫃雪1小時,拿走保鮮紙時油脂貼實保鮮紙上齊撇走。

  冰敷法: 用廚房抹紙包住冰塊,然後在湯面上輕抹,油脂一遇冷會凝固,就會黏在抹紙上。


6.  老人家通常都喜歡煲湯多加鹽,認為下火,但會否飲得太鹹,反而有損健康?

  答: 中醫認為,鹹味為五味之首。俗語說「一鹹遮百味。」在中藥五味之中,鹹味能軟堅散結、瀉下通便、平肝潛陽、養腎通經絡,適用於大便秘結、瘰鬁痰核、癭瘤、肝陽頭痛眩暈等症狀。




7.  有甚麼人是不能飲湯,何解?

  答: 湯是死的,人是生的,每個人都可以日日飲湯,靈魂在於湯內的材料。




8.  就近日天氣,有甚麼靚湯可介紹?

  答: 合桃熟地湯(1人份量)

  材料: 合桃1兩、熟地5錢、補骨脂3錢、瘦肉6兩、鹽適量

  做法: 1. 所有材料洗淨。

            2. 瘦肉汆水。

            3. 所有材料放入鍋,加入適量清水,大火煮沸後轉慢火煲2小時。

           4. 最後下適量鹽調味即可。

  功效: 冬天進補重保腎,用合桃和補骨脂則可溫補腎陽,改善畏寒肢冷。而熟地滋陰補血,能改善血虛引起的皮膚枯燥和敏感。

  禁忌: 陰虛火旺及感冒者不宜飲用,建議先諮詢合資格的註冊中醫。