2013年2月23日 星期六


問: 一般美國人及府上的生吃方式,是否只適宜於中老年人?嬰兒、幼童或孕婦,因需要不同,是否也適合?需否另有補充?有無人研究此事?
答: 生食假如是指部份生食,則不止於適合中老年人,更適合嬰兒、幼童或孕婦,幼兒都喜歡水果和生紅蘿蔔,他們身體還很乾淨,吸收能力強,生食最利他們。至於孕婦,食法上當然要特別注意,因為所需鈣和鐵較多,最好由紅蘿蔔汁、葵瓜子、葡萄乾等補充。

問: 生食方式,除蔬菜水果可生食外,其他如麵包、米飯、麵條等澱粉類食物,仍應熟食,且應選擇粗糙或帶麩者?
答: 澱粉類除非是發芽的,都應熟食。

問: 府上全家生食多年,生食三餐菜單為何?量多少?生食前後健康及醫藥支出有無變化?因為想生食的人,多受傳統觀念影響,不是嫌口味不好,就是怕營養不足,身體吃不消而生病,所以想請你現身說法,列舉事實。讓有心生食的人,無所畏懼,也無所藉口,有實際的例證,作為借鏡。能使有緣人,獲得生食的好處,那真是功德無量的事。
答: 我們全家素食 14 年,除了有幾年是 90% 生食,其他只作到 50% 。三餐的菜單隨季節及地方而有改變,我們在休士頓的三餐是:
我們十幾年來醫藥費可說是完全沒有,我是十多年沒有看醫生。生食素食之前,我是每月打針(敏感),經常頭痛,這些現象現在都沒有了。媽媽以前有高血壓及膀胱炎,素食後也完全正常,爸媽體重開始減輕,後來又回升。妹妹們體重素食前後沒有任何改變。我則在六個月內掉了 10 磅,後來又回復正常。普通在剛換飲食時體重會減輕,但如不過胖會回升。

問: 實行生食有何條件?有何注意事項?請列告,以免發生錯誤。
答: 部份生食,任何人都可以實行,有益無害。假如是大部份生食或全部生食,某些情形下最好是要經過過渡時間,過渡時間中增吃煮熟的蔬菜,慢慢減少肉類,等到六個月後,才大量採用生食。有些原是以肉食為主的人,如果一下轉變為素食或生食,體毒排出太快,可能受不了。生食的條件就是蔬菜、水果及芽菜等,一定要清潔。

問: 糖尿、心臟病、風濕、肝炎等病人適宜吃甚麼,有甚麼禁忌?
答: 素食生食的療法,是全面性的療法,不是針對某種病而設的,因此對糖尿病、心臟、風濕、肝病等療法原理都一樣,沒有特別。在生食療養所,所有的住宿客人(即病人),雖患不同的疾病,但飲食都一樣,原則上飲食愈接近自然愈好,加上精製的食品要少吃。

問: 自己生產的豆芽或菜子芽,其根常不易除淨,為省麻煩,可否不除?府上吃法,有無去根?又此根有無營養?
答: 豆芽的根有營養,不必除去,我們從不去根。

問: 豆類及蘿蔔種子等,宜否生食?如否,則發芽之後,則連「豆」與「芽」何以可以生食?是否因發芽之故,「豆」之質有所改變而可食?
答: 豆種一般須發芽後才能生食,但黃豆芽則不適宜生食,因為所含蛋白質太濃縮,不易消化,其他豆芽多可生食。

問: 禾穀類含有多量澱粉的種子,似不宜生食。但你曾寫過,小麥草榨汁很好,請問水稻、粟米等可否發芽榨汁?或吃其芽?亦即哪些種子可吃芽,哪些不宜吃,請儘量列舉。
答: 穀類不能生食,除非是沒有成熟的像漿一樣才可以生食。水稻、粟米、大麥等,均可發芽榨汁,但比較起來,沒有小麥生長那麼快,汁多、根密。生食運動鼻祖安博士( Dr. Ann Wigmore )曾試過不同的草種子和穀類,發現小麥草長的最好。種子發芽,只要味道可口,就可食用。

問: 葉菜類可吃嫩芽,是否越嫩越好?如任其多生長幾天,或令其見陽光,使成嫩苗,以增加芽量,其營養價值是否有異?
答: 葉菜的嫩芽與較老的葉子,有不同的營養,嫩芽中維他命與植物荷爾蒙含量較高,老一點的葉子則礦物質較多。

問: 發芽後常有少量豆殼,不易除淨,吃後有無不宜?
答: 豆殼也可以不必除淨,吃了可以增加礦物質。

問: 發芽日數如較長,使芽變成嫩苗,則種子中原含有養分,似不夠用,可否酌量加含化學肥料的培養液?以供其生長所需,此即農業上的水耕法,不過僅用於蔬菜類且提前採收而已,(因水耕法有用以栽培果樹者),國外有無此種方式?倘如此,其營養有無差異?
答: 發芽日數如較長,則維他命的成份降低,在治病上療效較差,如加化學肥料培養液,只能增加主要營養成份氮但不增加微量元素,國外尚沒有聽說使用這項方法。

問: 照中醫說法,生菜多屬「涼性」,如果芽菜生菜吃得太多,不合中庸之道,恐怕出毛病,似宜兼食「熱性」食品,如薑、桂圓、荔枝、胡椒、辣椒等加以調節,以達中和,未知你的意見如何?
答: 中醫對食物的分辨更精確,有涼與熱的區分。生食法中還沒有談到這些。尤其是西方人所患的病偏於陽性病,所以生食是對症下藥。事實上生食是可以治病的,健康的人不必全部生食, 50% 就夠了。薑屬熱性,可以平衡涼性,胡椒辣椒都有刺激性,反而阻礙消化,芝麻葵瓜子屬於熱性,尤其是如果乾炒一下,更增加熱性,都可中和芽菜的涼性。

問: 發霉食品是否均含有致癌物?承告「醃」「燻」食物都不好,則一般常見的「釀造食品」如醬油、豆腐乳、豆豉或臭豆腐、梅乾菜等製造時,常有經過發霉過程,是否不宜吃?又發酵與發霉有無不同?
答: 發霉的食品原則上都含有致癌物,發酵則不同。有時反而能幫助消化,如泡菜等。豆腐乳、釀造醬油、豆豉都無大害,味噌(日本麵豉醬)反而有利健康;梅乾菜等含鹽太高的東西,不宜多吃,但也無太大關係;臭豆腐的作法我不清楚,如有發霉過程,則要少吃。










pm :喝一小匙瀉鹽加溫水(可用西柚汁/蘋果汁代清水,較易入口。)8pm :喝一小匙瀉鹽加溫水

10 pm:半杯鮮榨檸檬汁+半杯食用橄欖油混合一次慢慢喝完






2013年2月3日 星期日

12 Fruits, Veggies HIGHEST in Pesticides

The 12 fruits and vegetables listed in the first chart contain the highest levels of pesticides

When possible, it is recommended that one purchase organically grown fruits and vegetables in the top group rather than conventionally grown as this list contains the highest levels of pesticides.
2012 MOST CONTAMINATED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES According to EWG (Environmental Working Group)
Sweet bell peppers
Imported nectarines
Domestic blueberries
2011 MOST CONTAMINATED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES According to EWG (Environmental Working Group)
Nectarines (imported)
Grapes (imported)
Sweet bell peppers
Blueberries (domestic)
Kale/collard greens

Clean 15: Produce With the Least Pesticide
Here’s the EWG’s list of the 15 fruits and vegetables that had the best overall pesticide scores, with produce with the least pesticide contamination at the top of the list:
Sweet corn
Sweet peas
Cantaloupe (domestic)
Sweet potatoes

12 ANTI-AGING Long Life Signs

MSNBC published an article on “12 Surprising Signs You’ll Live to Be 100.” The original article will appear in Prevention magazine.

1.   You’re very sociable.
Evidently being the “life of the party” has its rewards – outgoing people are 50% less likely to suffer from dimentia which manifests as sever loss of memory, cognition, thinking ability.
2.   You like to run at least 5 hours per week. 
Aerobic exercise keeps the immune system “younger.” Runners live longer and function at a higher “rate.” Keep that blood flowing!
3.   You get good amounts of fiber in your diet.
The article mentioned raspberries in your cereal – but as they can be very expensive, hard to obtain and have higher levels of pesticides, we’re not sure we would prefer them rather than other sources of fiber.
4.   You feel younger than you are. Feeling younger can mean being younger, both physically and emotionally.
5.   You “embrace techie trends.”
Adopting the habits of the young, staying in tuned and in touch using current technologies such as Twitter or Facebook has youth-in-izing benefits.
6.   You started menopause after 52.
The later your natural menopause starts, the more likely you’ll reach those higher years.
7.   You eat lower calorie higher nutrition food.
Cut the junk and stick to the vegetables, fruits, lean meat or fish and whole grains. Less is best, and quality is key.
8.   You had a baby later in life.
Having healthy reproductive organs in “later” years signals longer life potential. On the other hand, raising young children can be especially stressful in later years. Caution, here.
9.   You have a slower pulse
(1 beat per second or so). Less beats per minute means less work for the heart.
10. You don’t snore.
Sleep apnea or “excessive snoring” can cause high blood pressure, loss of memory, weight gain and depression.
11. You have a relatively flat stomach after 45-50.  Having a tire round the middle had a 20% higher risk of dying sooner  than later.
12. You have normal Vitamin D levels. Evidently, according to some reseachers, 80% of Americans are dificient in Vitamin D. We would surmise that ALL vitamins and nutrients are important, so eating a good diet with proper supplementation might be key, here. Lately, Vitamin D is getting high exposure in the news due to the release of research reports.

Gerson therapy- Juices, Hippocrates Soup

What is the Gerson therapy?
The Gerson therapy has been used by some people to treat cancer and other diseases. It is based on the role of minerals, enzymes, and other dietary factors.

There are 3 key parts to the therapy:
Diet: Organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to give the body plenty of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients.The fruits and vegetables are low in sodium (salt) and high in potassium.

1. Supplementation: The addition of certain substances to the diet to help correct cell metabolism (the chemical changes that take place in a cell to make energy and basic materials needed for the body’s life processes).

2. Detoxification: Treatments, including enemas, to remove toxic (harmful) substances from the body.

3. What is the history of the discovery and use of the Gerson therapy as a complementary or alternative treatment for cancer?

The Gerson therapy was named after Dr. Max B. Gerson (1881-1959), who first used it to treat his migraine headaches.

In the 1930′s, Dr.Gerson’s therapy became known to the public as a treatment for a type of tuberculosis (TB).

The Gerson therapy was later used to treat other conditions, including cancer.

What is the theory behind the claim that the Gerson therapy is useful in treating cancer?
The Gerson therapy is based on the idea that cancer develops when there are changes in cell metabolism because of the buildup of toxic substances in the body.

Dr. Gerson said the disease process makes more toxins and the liver becomes overworked.
According to Dr. Gerson, people with cancer also have too much sodium and too little potassium in the cells in their bodies, which causes tissue damage and weakened organs.

The goal of the Gerson therapy is to restore the body to health by repairing the liver and returning the metabolism to its normal state.

According to Dr. Gerson, this can be done by removing toxins from the body and building up the immune system with diet and supplements.

The enemas are said to widen the bile ducts of the liver so toxins can be released.

According to Dr. Gerson, the liver is further overworked as the treatment regimen breaks down cancer cells and rids the body of toxins.

Pancreatic enzymes are given to decrease the demands on the weakened liver and pancreas to make enzymes for digestion.

An organic diet and nutritional supplements are used to boost the immune system and support the body as the regimen cleans the body of toxins.

Foods low in sodium and high in potassium are said to help correct the tissue damage caused by having too much sodium in the cells.

How is the Gerson therapy administered?
The Gerson therapy requires that the many details of its treatment plan be followed exactly.
Some key parts of the regimen include the following:
Drinking 13 glasses of juice a day.
The juice must be freshly made from organic fruits and vegetables and be taken once every hour.
Eating vegetarian meals of organically grown fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

 If someone is very ill, Dr. Gerson HIGHLY recommended that they use pure Gerson juices from a juicer proper and not a blender to make their juices and smooshes.

The reason is because blenders, liquifiers, juice mixers or masters and centrifugal juicers generate a electro-magnetic current that destroys the efficacy of vital active enzymes. So the Smoosh recipe below is for those who might want health improvement rather than expect a curing of a very serious illness.
The best juicers are those that use slow grinding without generating any excess heat. The Green Star juicer’s rotating grinders have special magnetic cores that create a special field which enhances the uptake of vital nutrients into the juices from the ground fruits and vegetables. Other great juicers include the Norwalk. This Norwalk is a two process juicer, a grinder and a press. The Champion juicer uses a fast spinning tearing mechanism.
However, any juicer is better than not juicing at all, and in fact, many people have accounts of successful results irregardless of the juicer used.
Dr. Gerson’s patients were considered the acutely ill and terminal at best – the “worst of the worst” in terms of prognosis, and thus, he was forced to use the most optimal conditions and methods to brings them back to health.

Dr. Gerson’s Juices consisted of mainly:

Carrot Apple Juice
Equal Parts Carrots Washed, Not Scraped to
Equal Parts Apples Washed, Not Peeled
Drink within 2 – 3 hours after pressing

Green Leaf Juice
Mixed Greens
Swiss Chard
Red Cabbage Leaves (2 to 3 leaves)
Beet Tops (small inner leaves)
Watercress (1/4 bunch)
Green pepper (1/4th of one pepper)
Sprouts of Seeds and Grains
1 Apple for every glass of Green Juice
Drink as soon as possible.

Seasonings that are Allowed 
Bay Leaves
Summer Savory
Spices must be used sparingly as they “counteract the healing reaction.”

RECIPE for Dr. Gerson’s Hippocrates Soup
1 big or 2 small fresh organic leeks
1 pound fresh organic potato or several small ones
1 1/2 pounds organic fresh tomatoes
1 large organic onion or 2 small onions
1 sm/medium organic celery knob (I have found that
the smaller, fresher knobs are more delicately flavored)
or 3/4 stalks organic celery
1 small parsley root (if unavailable, can substitute
3/4 sprigs of organic parsley)

Instructions:Don’t peel any of the vegetables as many of the minerals and nutrients are stored directly beneath the skin. Scrub carefully and cook SLOWLY at low heat for 3 hours with a small amount of clean pure water, then mash and eat.
You can add small amounts of fresh organic parsley and fresh pressed raw organic garlic to taste.
It’s hard to for anyone to say why this soup holds such particular power. I have attempted to creatively altered the recipe and not received the same results. Is it the placebo effect? I’m not sure. But even Dr. Gerson remarked that this soup was very special and highly effective in his regimen even if he wasn’t absolutely sure of the dynamics.

If you simmer the soup for 3 hours, it should be done.
IMPORTANT: Slow cooking over LOW heat is crucial to preserve natural flavor and easy digestibility.
If you cook quickly, cell walls burst and the vital minerals go out of colloidal suspension, thus making them much more difficult to absorb.

Romaine Smoosh Recipe for Rejuvenation and Rebuilding
More Smoothie Resources 
1 Head of Fresh Organic Romaine Lettuce
1 or 2 Stalk Fresh Organic Deep Green Kale
1 large or 2 Small Organic Carrots
2 Organic Apples (if you’re allowed)
2/3 Cup Fresh Apple Juice or Very Lightly
More if necessary to blend easily and taste
Processed Refrigerated Organic Apple Juice
Add More Liquid if necessary for the right
1 Cup Natural Spring Mineral Water – Alkaline
2-3 Tablespoons of Fresh Raw chopped Organic
Sprouts; sunflower, clover, broccoli, or other
similar more mild type
Good to Add as Tastebuds acclimate
Inch cubes Organic Beets
Small stalk of Organic Celery
Several inch cubes red, green organic cabbage
1/2 leaf organic collard greens
Sprigs of Parsley (not too much)
Red, Yellow or Orange Sweet Peppers

Pour liquids into blender, blend Romaine for as short a time as possible (just a few bursts) until liquified. Add Kale, then cut up apples and carrots, finally sprouts.
Blend Until Smooth. You may have to split batches. Do NOT remove pulp – it is as important as the liquid.
However, for those who cannot eat the pulp, you can squeeze and drain and use the pulp for either compost for your own home or container gardens or as an ingredient in homemade pet foods.
Drink (eat) slowly throughout the day – as much as you can. Eventually, you will actually grow to enjoy this concoction.
You might notice your skin changing and some physical afflictions diminishing. Please note: I am not a physician and everything I say is strictly my own experience so do talk to your doctor or naturopathic physician about any of this.
Smoosh is the ONLY thing that has saved me consistently and repeatedly EVERY time.

Hippocrates Soup (Hearty, creamy and mild soup)
Fresh raw juices (Pulp uses: for feeding pets, composting)
Greenleaf juice, carrot, apple, etc.
Raw fruits, salads, vegetables (minced very fine)
Sprouts of Seeds and Grains (minced very fine)
Steamed organic vegetables, fruits
Thin oat porridges
Raw organic calves’ liver juice
Special potassium supplements (lugol plus Others)
Special glass or stainless pots, dishes
No plastics (Use glass, pyrex, stainless steel)
Steamed organic potatoes (not bought in plastic)
Organic unsalted sprouted rye bread
Organic Peppermint Tea (very helpful for nausea)
NO SALT (Important for the Gerson Diet)
Dash organic honey, raw sugar, maple sugar allowed
(good in peppermint tea)
Pot cheese (Unsalted fat free cottage cheese
organic if possible)
Fresh Flaxseed Oil (the ONLY oil or fat allowed)
Coffee Enemas (Important for pain relief, detox)

Raw fresh pressed organic linseed oil ( as above)
Pancreatin (Pancreatic Enzymes)
Niacin (after juice or food) (will cause a blood flush)
Lugol Potassium (gluconate, acetate, phosphate
see substitutes in book)
Thyroid (see substitutes in book)
Oxbile (see substitutes in book)
Other Things (As mentioned above)Coffee and Castor Oil enemas

(For very ill cancer patients)
All berries (unfavorable reactions)
Avocados (too fatty)
Nuts (too fatty)
Cucumbers (too much sodium)

tobacco, salt, sharp spices, alcohol, refined sugar, flour, tea, coffee, cocoa (here I majorly cheated), cream, ice cream, soy products, cake, nuts, berries, canned stuff, dyes, sulphered, smoked, salted stuff, bottled juices.
(All the above produced new growth for severely ill cancer patients)

NO-NO EQUIPMENTno pressure or steam cookers, no aluminum

ADVISORY NOTENo water (only juices for the very very ill… they evidently need all the nutrition from juices they can get)
When I’m SMOOSHING, I need no water. And, I do get better with Smoosh. Also, my skin gets better. My energy goes up. My brain functions at a higher level.